Longeville - St Cyr en Talmondais
Personnes concernées:
24 kms
1 jours
Percentage of paths:
93 %
Car park address at starting point:
La Maison Neuve sur St Cyr
Other car parks:
Plage des Conches - Longeville
24km trail of which 93% are paths.
You will cross the marsh.
1-Longeville equestrian trail not accessible to carriages.
Departure: La Palonnière (Les Conches) Parking and hitch racks available at departure. It is a sandy track. One part is, in some places, too deep for carriages.
It is prohibited to reach the beach from the equestrian trail using paths along the dunes.
2- Les Conches- Maison Neuve:
Departure though the marshes to La Maison Neuve.
Easy path, open to carriages, although sometimes bumpy on the banks of canals.
3- La plage (beach):
The beach is accessible from 16 September to 14 May. At low tide, you can reach the Pointe du Grouin du Cou in JARD SUR MER in approximately 11km.
Additional information:
Accommodations on the itinerary:
Printable map: